Letters Not Sent and Other Musings

A place for musing on things political, ethical, logical, and thus philosophical.

Location: In the hills

I jokingly say that I am a Luddite with an internet addiction.. I am an independent designer and remodeling contractor, writer, explorer of ideas, places, and cultures. I a lover of nature, reason, and craftsmanship no matter the form. Update: I am just a guy who left a successful business in the city to go to the mountains, to live the simple life in a home I am building for myself. I am experimenting with various aspects of simplicity, off grid power, efficiency, frugality, living with the seasons, gardening, and freeing up the time I used to spend working for others so that I can pursue various passions including the above, but also reading, writing, and the general exploration of ideas via critical examination, aka Philosophy. This blog chronicles my adventures in traveling, as well as my current adventures in living a truly simple, comfortable, peaceful, and enjoyable life. If you like it tell me.. if you have ideas for me to try tell me.. As with all aspects of life, this blog is ever adapting to the environment, so come along on the adventure.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Open Letter to the Members of the Nobel Prize Committee:

 Open Letter to the Members of the Nobel Prize Committee:

While we respect that this award is yours alone to give, we would appreciate it if you would reconsider this year's recipient.

The awardee is still pursuing, and in fact has increased the efforts in two acknowledged war, and has been engaging in acts of war against the civilians of at least one other nation. While it is true that he did not initiate the two wars, neither has he withdrawn from them or ceased the killing of individuals who have never threatened him or any one at all as far as we know. 

We have been told that the reason behind your decision is his frequent use of speeches and appeals to the hearts of some, much along the lines of some of the most famous leaders across time who have been responsible for the deaths of millions. We feel that speeches are not sufficient indication of a peaceful intent, much less demonstrations of successful peaceful efforts, and on this basis ask you to reconsider your decision. 

To be fair, we have not have not been able to hear these speeches as we cannot travel to these rallies, nor can we listen on the radio or television as our electricity plants are always going offline. Nor can we find the time to listen even if we had the opportunity, for we must spend out days eluding the bombs, snipers, tanks, and troops of the occupational forces which control our countries, just to try to find enough food and some shelter for our families. 

Thank you in advance for considering a new candidate, one who has embraced peace in actions.


The innocent people of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq.