Letters Not Sent and Other Musings

A place for musing on things political, ethical, logical, and thus philosophical.

Location: In the hills

I jokingly say that I am a Luddite with an internet addiction.. I am an independent designer and remodeling contractor, writer, explorer of ideas, places, and cultures. I a lover of nature, reason, and craftsmanship no matter the form. Update: I am just a guy who left a successful business in the city to go to the mountains, to live the simple life in a home I am building for myself. I am experimenting with various aspects of simplicity, off grid power, efficiency, frugality, living with the seasons, gardening, and freeing up the time I used to spend working for others so that I can pursue various passions including the above, but also reading, writing, and the general exploration of ideas via critical examination, aka Philosophy. This blog chronicles my adventures in traveling, as well as my current adventures in living a truly simple, comfortable, peaceful, and enjoyable life. If you like it tell me.. if you have ideas for me to try tell me.. As with all aspects of life, this blog is ever adapting to the environment, so come along on the adventure.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Typically poor taste on the part of aggressors

In a fine demonstration of the poor taste, else grand irony, the staged attempted to reduce the impact of a greiving mother protesting the non-sensical slaughter of US troops by executive order, the protestors wore shirts that had the word "idiots" with a circle and a slash. I am putting my two cents in on the grand irony given that there is no intelligent or reasoned way to support the ongoing aggression against the people of Iraq which is resulting in the pointless deaths of soldiers such as Cindy Sheehan's son. The pro-aggression, pro-violence rally was organized by a neo-con (emphasis on the "con") talk show host who while claiming a listenership of close to 4 million, was only able to get about 50 people to show up (in a state where conservatives rule the roost) which is telling of either the "cause" or the actual listenership of this radical radio mouthpiece for the administration.

Let's hope that Cindy Sheehan is able to garner more media attention to remind folks that there is a war OF terror going on which is not currently being covered by the media, and certainly is being spun in absurd ways by the administration.

More power to Cindy and all of those who oppose aggression against innocents.


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