Letters Not Sent and Other Musings

A place for musing on things political, ethical, logical, and thus philosophical.

Location: In the hills

I jokingly say that I am a Luddite with an internet addiction.. I am an independent designer and remodeling contractor, writer, explorer of ideas, places, and cultures. I a lover of nature, reason, and craftsmanship no matter the form. Update: I am just a guy who left a successful business in the city to go to the mountains, to live the simple life in a home I am building for myself. I am experimenting with various aspects of simplicity, off grid power, efficiency, frugality, living with the seasons, gardening, and freeing up the time I used to spend working for others so that I can pursue various passions including the above, but also reading, writing, and the general exploration of ideas via critical examination, aka Philosophy. This blog chronicles my adventures in traveling, as well as my current adventures in living a truly simple, comfortable, peaceful, and enjoyable life. If you like it tell me.. if you have ideas for me to try tell me.. As with all aspects of life, this blog is ever adapting to the environment, so come along on the adventure.

Saturday, May 14, 2005


Language is much like the tools we use to create sculpture, or build a home. We can use these tools with brute force, to create gravel of the sculpture or kindling of the house, or we can use the appropriate tool at the appropriate time to create things of beauty, practicality, and/or necessity.

When we do not use language correctly, not the nit picky sort of "correctly" but where the very meaning of a word, or the very thing to which is supposed to be explained, is necessarily cast into shadow at best, we are akin to the wannabe scultor who decides that his only tool will be the sledgehammer. Hitting the rock may feel satisfying, but it will not bring out the fine detail that creates beauty, nor can it create functional items.

I am not speaking merely of the sort of confusion that many have over the use of "who" and "whom" but rather the confusion that some have over the very meaning of basic words. Specifically I have in mind a set of words that are all connected by their reference: real, reality, reason, true, truth, etc

How many times have you heard someone say one of the following:

"well it is real to them"
"That is their reality"
"Well that is your reality"

Or something along these lines?

What is real? That which actually is. So is Santa claus real? Nope.. not even for those children who believe. They believe that there is a Santa Claus, but they are mistaken in that belief, just as I would be mistaken if I believed that the earth was flat. We can hold a belief strongly and that belief can still be mistaken. Having a belief does not make the subject of that belief real.

What is reality? Reality is what is. Nothing more nothing less, reality is simply that which exists. So when someone tries to use "reality" to dismiss a point, a perspective, or to add some importance to something specific to an individual, they are literally uttering non-sense. The word when used in plural or divided means nothing, refers to nothing. "My" reality, is identical to "your" reality, because reality is simply what is.

Usually when the word is so abused, the speaker means something along the lines of "their experience" or "their lifestyle" or "their belief" or "their occupation" or any amongst a long list of other possible meanings. Since the term refers only to what actually exists, it fails to refer to that which the speaker wishes for it to refer, at the same time that it contributes to the clouding of the water so that understanding is more difficult if not impossible.

To put it another way, it prevents true communication from happening.

"True" simply means "corresponds to reality" so all of the problems that arise with the abuse of "reality" also arise with the abuse of "truth."

X is not true FOR someone, unless it is true FOR everyone. X may be true OF someone but not another, but these are specific claims, such as John is tall, the barn is red, etc. which can be verified and are not dependent upon some belief or another, but upon the nature of reality.

More later.. though I believe that I may address some other topics before returning to this one..


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